Multitasking is not one of my strengths. This was supposed to be little bear's delicious, golden coloured, penguin shaped morning tea - well it is penguin shaped :) Sorry little bear but what's a mummy to do when inspiration for this month's writing assignment hits just after I've poured the batter!
September writing assignment:
The Tooth Fairy
He tucks a precious tissue wrapped parcel under his pillow so that the tooth fairy can execute her magical gold coin swap. It was a silver coin when I was a child but my son has higher expectations. I kiss him and watch his eyes close, surprised that he drifts off so quickly, I was anticipating a bit of a struggle.
I watch my husband do the swap carefully and I smile at his tenderness. I think of my list; first baby tooth lost, and make a mental tick.
I think of how many beautiful firsts and achingly sad firsts are to come; first day of school, first love.... I want to be there for all of them.
Suddenly he whimpers awakening from a bad dream. I rush to his side. He opens his eyes, sees me and smiles, instantly reassured he falls back asleep.
I imagine his excitement in the morning as he finds his gilded treasure. I picture him cuddled in his father's arms, telling him that he saw the tooth fairy and that "she looked just like Mummy!" blending his dreams
with my presence.
I turn to the light that glows brightly calling me back to the place I belong, the beautiful place where I have lived since my illness. I'm only allowed five visits so I need to choose carefully. I only have four left.
Y CateSunshine
p.s. I did make little bear some more penguin waffles that were yummy xx
xx I love you Cayley.
I think maybe I am adopted or is it just a severe and ongoing case of V.A.D. (Vitchimen Access Denial)you are suffering my dear big/little sister?
Which reminds me, why nowdays so many bloody acronyms? - half the time they are such a mouthful that it would've been easier just to say the fully worded name in the first place.
Ps I still like HTFU though!
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